Defending the Health of our Water with the Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters

By smartbugmedia,
Mont-Tremblant, Québec;

In 2021, several Canadian environmental groups, both non-profit organizations and para governmental organizations, came together in order to create the Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters. This nonpartisan coalition proudly defends the health of our fresh water everywhere in the country. The de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation is happy to be a part of it. 

What is the Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters? 

The Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters advocates for political leadership from the federal government in order to face the issues related to water in our country. It now counts over 50 members across Canada, including AquaAction and the de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation. 

According to the Coalition, we need to change the way we relate to fresh water and the governance of this resource in Canada in order to ensure the health and protection of our water. They explain: “This must be a collaborative effort that involves all levels of government, engages Canadians, and leverages the population’s wealth of scientific, ecological, and traditional water knowledge. The federal government has a critical role to play in leading this transformation, and the Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters is united around advocating for the federal government to play a strong and appropriate leadership role.”

Their Asks

In order to relieve the issues faced by water preservation and support healthy water, the Coalition is advocating for 3 actions from the federal government: 

  • Build a Canada Water Agency
  • Renew the Canada Water Act
  • Introduce a Canada Water Fund that Invests 225$ million a Year in the Health of our Waters

The de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation’s Role

The de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation wants to play a leadership role by actively participating in the Coalition and acting as a liaison with Quebec’s stakeholders. Their unique position allows them to act as a catalyst and transcend cultural and linguistic barriers. Dominique Monchamp was chosen to sit on the Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters’ steering committee in order to act as a lookout and make sure Quebec’s voice is heard. 

“At the de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation, we firmly believe that our privileged relationship with English Canadian groups as well as Quebec groups allows us to act as a unifier. We do not wish to be a decider or spokesperson: we would rather be a liaison between the different actors. My mission will be to transcend linguistic and cultural barriers in order to make relations easier between the parties.”Dominique Monchamp, General Director of the de Gaspe Beaubien Foundation and member of the Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters’ steering committee.

The de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation has agreed to fund the translation of all the Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters’ documentation; the objective being to ensure access to this content to Quebecers and any other French speaking Canadians. One of the first translations that was done was the French version of the Coalition’s website. 

Involved in both Quebec and Canada

It is not the first time that the de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation has participated in helping the issue of water preservation in Canada. Earlier this year, it joined an ad hoc committee in Quebec with the goal of making recommendations related to the protection of our water to the Canadian Minister of Environment and Climate Change, as well as the Canadian Minister of Agriculture and Agri Food. This new association is done with the same goal of water preservation and enthusiasm regarding the creation of the future Canada Water Agency.

If the requests made by the Coalition are important to you, and you would also like to participate in changing things, take a look at the website and become a member

Investing in Water Pays Off

By smartbugmedia,
Investir dans l’eau, c’est payant

According to a study carried out by Groupe AGECO for Réseau Environment, improving the water infrastructures in Québec would cost 49 billion $ over 25 years. This number is more than double the 22 billion $ budget proposed by the provincial government for their maintenance. However, investing in water comes with considerable advantages.

An Impressive Return on Investment

The study proposes a scenario to cover the investment deficit while improving the quality of the infrastructures. In total, the profits in this investment scenario are of 47 billion $. For every dollar invested, Québec would make a return of 1.72$ (72%). This return on investment is simply remarkable!

“This study confirms the suspicions the Foundation has had for the last 10 years; investing in water is both essential from an environmental and social perspective, as well as from an economic one. We were primarily looking for an environmental impact, but we are pleased to discover that there is a clear positive economic impact as well!” – Francois de Gaspé Beaubien, president of the Foundation’s board of administration

To Summarise:

  • Investments forecasted over the next 25 years: 22 billion $
  • Investments required over the next 25 years: 49 billion $
  • Deficit over the next 25 years: 27 billion $
  • ROI on 49 billion $ investment: 1.72$ on every dollar spent

Why we Should Invest in Water

Our current infrastructures not only need maintenance, but optimization. Climate change is already having an important impact on our freshwater supply, as well as on its infrastructures (intakes, treatment plants, pressure control chambers, etc.). Water preservation and management is an important issue everywhere around the world; Québec and Canada will not be spared. 

Considering the lack of investments over the last decades and the ever more present impacts of climate change, the risk of major malfunctions is more and more important in Quebec’s fresh water system. The events witnessed recently in Laval and Iqaluit can’t be normalized. 

Effects on Our Health

The investment scenario recommended by the Réseau Environnement would allow for the improvement of fresh water treatment processes, wastewater treatment, a reduction in the number of contaminants caused by wastewater overflow (for the Montreal region), as well as the reduction of waste water’s contribution to the development of antibiotic resistance in pathogen agents. This would result in over 500 million $ saved per year.

Effects on Ecosystems and the Environment

The Réseau Environnement also takes the health of our ecosystems and the environment into account. According to the study, reducing waste water overflow into our ecosystems would generate 324 million $ in profits and less degradation in the quality of water and the environment everywhere in Québec.

Improving Climate Resilience

The recommended investments would allow us to improve our capacity to manage the increase in flood risk caused by climate change, as well as the capacity of our waste water systems to efficiently transport and treat wastewater. In turn, this would reduce the risk of damage to municipal infrastructures related to water, the cost of exploiting these infrastructures, and treating wastewater.

Réseau Environnement’s Motivations

This exploratory study should be used as a social tool and a solid source of information to support decisions related to water management. Réseau Environnement explains: ”In order to support public authorities, Réseau Environnement would like an estimate of ROI for Québec’s water infrastructures. In this way, we will be able to demonstrate the importance of making water infrastructures a key objective in Québec’s economic recovery.”

The de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation thanks Réseau Environnement for their initiative.

In Summary, Investing in Water Pays Off!

We now have proof that adequate water management is profitable. The de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation has had a feeling about this for a long time and is happy to share the news! Aside from the economic impact, water impacts every socio economic aspect in our society.




Water Preservation: A Major Issue

By smartbugmedia,
Feu de forêt (Photo by Matt Howard on Unsplash)

Water preservation is an issue that is often pushed to the side in the fight against climate change. It is, however, of vital importance. Even before the consequences of climate change started to be felt, water management was problematic. Climate change is therefore not the only cause of the problems related to water, but it amplifies them significantly.  

Water remains an underrated resource to which access is not equitable and that is polluted on a global level. This is why clean water preservation is so important to the de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation. Effective water management is now crucial in order to adapt to climate change. 

Current Consequences 

Torrential rain and flooding in New York, forest fires and drought throughout America, hurricane Ida (the second most destructive hurricane ever recorded in Louisiana) … The summer of 2021 has seen its fair share of alarming events caused by climate change and inadequate water management. The scientific community even estimates that the droughts experienced this year in Brazil are the worst in over a century. 

Everywhere on the continent, these droughts are partiallycaused by deficient water management systems. Climate change is exposing the flaws and limitations of our water management systems, bringing up questions about water’s availability, quality, and safety. Inadequate water management systems then impact many economic sectors such as food, energy, and tourism. 

In Canada

Canada may have been slightly less affected than other countries by climate change and inadequate water management, but this won’t always be the case. The apparent abundance of water in Canada has resulted in most Canadians believing that their supply of freshwater is safe and will remain so.

What we witnessed this summer was just a taste of the effects we will experience in upcoming years. 

“Climate change brings issues to light in terms of water management. These problems have existed for much longer than the consequences of climate change but are exacerbated by climate change. Today, we are paying the price. We need to act now.” – Nan-b de Gaspé Beaubien

Without intervention or a reform of our water infrastructures, the impacts of these issues will be felt on a local, national, and international scale. Actions must rapidly be put into place. As explained by Coalition Eau, the fact is that: “Fresh water sources are vulnerable and will suffer greatly through climate change, with major repercussions on human societies and the ecosystem.”

Water in the Fight Against Climate Change

There are two categories of measures that exist in order to limit the consequences of climate change: attenuation measures and adaptation measures. The first ones aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the second help populations and ecosystems to face the impacts of climate change. 

Water management and preservation are present in both those categories. How? By limiting energy consumption in the water sector (attenuation) and by considering climate change in resource management (adaptation). 

A Public Responsibility

The risks related to water must be considered as important as the risks related to climate change. AquaAction and the de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation’s teams are calling on Canada’s citizens and elected officials to ask them to recognize the vital importance of proper water management. Dominique Monchamp explains: “We talk a lot about a green economy, adaptation to climate change, and energy saving; and that’s great! The public budgets are going in this direction. However, the climate issue associated to water management is rarely at the forefront. At the de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation, we believe that this is a mistake. Water management is a key element of the action plans targeting our adaptation to climate change and the funds attributed to it must reflect that.”

We Believe in the Blue Economy

By smartbugmedia,

More than a year after the beginning of the global pandemic, Covid-19 cases are finally dropping, the population is preparing itself for a period of deconfinement, and the government is planning the country’s economic recovery. 

The announced budgets are geared towards a green economic recovery by investing billions of dollars into initiatives aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. This is of course a big step towards a more sustainable future, but the De Gaspe Beaubien foundation wants to make sure that the future of the Blue Economy isn’t pushed to the side in favour of a green economy; both go hand in hand. 

The Water Crisis and the Importance of a Blue Economy

By 2030, nearly 60% of the world’s population will run out of water. The water crisis is real, and not only for our neighbours; it is a problem here as well. Only nine out of all the countries own 60% of the world’s drinking and fresh water. Canada owns almost 20% of the world’s renewable fresh water. 

As we continue to use water excessively, the pressure on these privileged countries will become immense. Canada is not protected from potential international conflicts: think about our neighbouring country, the United States, of which a large portion of their territory is plagued with unprecedented droughts. 

The De Gaspe Beaubien family believes deeply in a prosperous national economy and an economic recovery through the support and investment of water technology projects. A Blue Economy requires a collective effort and we are counting on the government, young entrepreneurs, and private investors to stimulate the portion of the economy related to water preservation. 

“We have always been an entrepreneurial family, and we firmly believe that the passion and commitment of entrepreneurs can both stimulate our economy and protect our environment.” -Nan.B

Technological Innovation at the Service of Water 

Since it’s creation, AquaHacking has always been ahead of its time in regard to technological innovation in the field of water. The last few years’ efforts to create the best support programs for young entrepreneurs to develop innovative solutions in the field of water have been remarkable. 

The efficient deployment of the technology to make the environmental solutions progress is complex and requires a combination of technical expertise, funding, infrastructure, knowledge, and skills. Innovation must be financially supported and be part of the municipal, provincial, and federal public services’ organizational culture. 

AquaHacking: supporting the young talents who hold the solutions of tomorrow 

The De Gaspe Beaubien family believe in a Blue Economy and the AquaHacking initiative is an opportunity to support the individuals and organizations who work each day to tackle environmental challenges by helping them to accelerate the rhythm and precision of their efforts. 

AquaHacking is the beginning of an innovation continuum and the Family is proud to play an important role in the initiative. 

“I strongly believe in this new generation’s ability to deploy the latest technology advances, as AI, in starting new businesses. I invite all of us to support them. It is the least we can do for them.” –Dominique Monchamp 

Did you know: ParticipACTION is a de Gaspé Beaubien initiative

By smartbugmedia,

The de Gaspé Beaubien family quickly made a name for themselves in the field of philanthropy in Canada. Pioneers in their mission to support the development of durable social prosperity in their community, the family have always known how to use their vision in order to build durable and impactful projects. 

Among all of the de Gaspé Beaubien family’s activities, did you know that Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien was the founder, president, and chairman of ParticipACTION


A Mission of National Importance

In 1969, following a phone call with Mr. Pierre-Elliott Trudeau, Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien accepted the challenge of chairing the National Council for Fitness and Amateur Sports of Canada. Motivated by an urgent need for action, he first had to determine the status of Canadian’s physical fitness before undertaking any initiative whatsoever. A research study was conducted over a period of six months. The results were unequivocal: the Canadian population was sedentary and out of shape. 

“I still remember, to this day, the shock that was felt with the whole committee when it was revealed that 85% of Canadians spent their free time in front of a tv or riding in a car. We certainly weren’t going to let that continue.”  – Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien


An Innovative Marketing Approach

Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien proposed to Mr. Trudeau to create an organism that’s mandate would be to teach the importance of daily physical activity to the Canadian population. 

“I had a pitch prepared about how the human body was meant to move and that I wanted to target young people – to start good habits early. Part of this was a national campaign to change the perception and attitudes of Canadians towards physical activity. In order to do this right, we would require significant funding.” – Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien

A minimum budget of five million dollars had been estimated at the time in order to launch an awareness campaign of this size. Faced with this sum, Mr. Trudeau had offered startup funding equivalent to half of the budget over the course of a few years under the condition that the rest of the funding could be raised elsewhere. 

Once again, Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien demonstrated his marketing innovation abilities by launching ParticipACTION. With the help of the financial support provided by the government and national networks, they were able to raise the funds needed to promote physical activity on a national scale. 

The strategic thinking behind the creation of a national campaign to motivate the population to adopt an active lifestyle was quite new at the time. Thanks to Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien, ParticipAction has contributed significantly to the advancement of social and communication marketing in the fields of health, sports, and physical activity. 

“ParticipACTION was a great bilingual title. We mobilized tv, radio, and newspaper ads. And in those first years we raised 2 million dollars of unsold media space, a sum the government matched. The response was overwhelming, and we succeeded in mobilizing communities across Canada,” – Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien


Aiming for long-term success

The de Gaspé Beaubien family have long favoured well-thought-out and concrete action plans that provide their initiatives with excellent results while maintaining long-term objective. As is the case with AquaHacking and the Business Families Foundation, giving back to the community remains at the heart of their actions; this is what they achieved with ParticipACTION. 50 years later, ParticipACTION still exists and has become a model in the promotion of physical activity on a national scale, hoisting Canada up to within the ten most active countries in the world. 

ParticipACTION still encourages the community to enjoy a more active lifestyle, allowing our government to save millions of dollars every year in curative care. 

“I will always be proud to have worked alongside those who launched and have supported ParticipACTION through all these years. Their deep commitment helped us all to become better people.” – Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien 

AquaHacking: the program for 2021 has been launched online

By smartbugmedia,
aquahacking 2021

With all the challenges we have experienced over the course of the last year, the de Gaspé Beaubien family remains committed to freshwater preservation in Canada. With much anticipation, the online launch of the two new AquaHacking Challenges was held last January 25th. In spite of the Covid-19 pandemic, Aqua Forum and its partners will deliver a complete annual program spanning from coast to coast. 


The Milles Iles River Challenge 2021

This 9th edition will be held in French with the participation of institutions from Quebec and across the country. 

“We are so proud to return to Quebec and continue to develop solutions in collaboration with Quebec universities. AquaHacking was founded in Quebec, our home province, which is why we are so happy to return after two years of absence.” -Mrs. De Gaspé Beaubien 


Co-organized by C.I.EAU and Aqua Forum, the Milles Iles River Challenge 2021 represents a unique opportunity for avid technophiles and young entrepreneurs to create innovative solutions for the critical freshwater and ecosystem issues faced by this region of Quebec. 

In this edition, participants will have to choose between the 4 critical issues announced at the launch:

  • Sewer Overflows
  • Ice Cover of the River
  • Avian Fauna and Water Quality
  • Aquatic Habitats

Find out more about these issues here.

A consultative committee was created with experts from every sector: private, scientific, NGO, engineering, etc. This consultative committee will support the challenge throughout the project in order for each young innovator to receive the support they need. 

Furthermore, each of these issues will be supported by important local figures in the freshwater sector. As well as acting as mentors, they will be involved in the process of developing the solution, namely by sharing their knowledge related to the targeted issues and their experience on the field as specialists. This support and mentoring process, motivated by an entrepreneurial spirit, fill the de Gaspé Beaubien family with an enormous sense of pride. 


Precious Financial Partners

The de Gaspé Beaubien family would like to graciously thank their financial partners from Quebec for their support in this 2021 edition:

  • The Quebec government, an important partner in the Milles Iles River Challenge 2021
  • C.I.EAU, co-host of the Milles Iles River Challenge 2021

Western Canada AquaHacking Challenge

The invitation is also extended to all the young Canadians who wish to contribute to the resolution of the freshwater issues confronted by British-Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Co-organized by the Okanagan Basin Water Board and Aqua Forum, this new edition invites young entrepreneurs and innovators to put into place an innovative solution for one of the 5 issues announced during the virtual launch:

  • On-farm nutrient capture and recycling
  • Toxic algal blooms
  • Innovative “social” technologies for water information 
  • Improvements to water systems for indigenous communities
  • Optimization of drinking water/ wastewater treatment plants

 Find out more about these issues here.


The de Gaspé Beaubien family would like to graciously thank their financial partners from Western Canada for their support in this 2021 edition:


National Partners 

The de Gaspé Beaubien family would like to graciously thank their precious financial partners for their support on a national scale:

By contributing to the resolution of current issues, they are participating in the putting into place of innovative solutions to improve the quality of Canada’s water sources. 


The de Gaspé Beaubien family is overjoyed to see that this initiative, the AquaHacking Challenge, is continuing with a new program in spite of the constraints of the current global pandemic. The recruitment period for participants is currently underway and the de Gaspé Beaubien family invites every young Canadian to send in their application and take part in this tech challenge which will ensure the development of their entrepreneurial skills while contributing to the creation of solutions for Canada’s freshwater issues. 

Two Things to Learn about the de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation

By smartbugmedia,
Philippe et Nan-b qui écoutent attentivement l’équipe de direction csss des Sommets et les médecins

The de Gaspé Beaubien family Foundation is known for its devoted commitment to the field of water, namely through its AquaHacking initiative. Pioneers of supporting families in business around the world, the de Gaspé Beaubien family has been involved in many important philanthropic endeavors over the last decades; some less publicized but just as noteworthy. 

Here are two interesting things that you may not know about the de Gaspé Beaubien family Foundation:

A commitment to Harvard Business School 

Did you know that the de Gaspé Beaubien Reading Room is at Harvard Business School?

Gaspe Beaubien room

The Room received this name in honor of the family’s 10 million dollars donation to the Historical Collections of the School’s Baker Library. This donation made it possible to completely renovate the Library in 2004, as well as preserve and add the most extensive collection of business history in the world. It is a key resource for scholars, researchers, and students. 

The collection includes thousands of articles, business files, newspapers, correspondence, research documents, rare books, ephemeral documents, and visual documents. These works provide documentary evidence which allows university students to study the theories, researchers, organizations, and important movements related to the field of business first hand. 

With the goal of pursuing their mission with families in business around the world, this donation made it possible to invest in this field of study and provide better tools and support to people who want to reach their entrepreneurial objectives of building a strong business and a strong family.

The de Gaspé Beaubien family has had a privileged relationship with Harvard Business School for several generations. Mr. de Gaspé Beaubien and the couple’s three children, Philippe III, Francois, and Nanon are all HBS graduates. Wishing to honor the family tradition of giving back to their higher education establishment, Nan-B and Philippe provided this generous gift. Additionally, they both served on the Dean’s Advisory Board from 1995-2000, and Mr. de Gaspé Beaubien was also a member of the Council of Canadians. 


A “Health for All” Community Program 

Did you know that the de Gaspé Beaubien Family Foundation has been very involved in the healthcare sector? 

The de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation invested close to 3 million dollars and many countless hours of dedicated time into a pilot project with the CSSS Sainte-Agathe-Des-Monts: the “health for all” community program. 

This initiative’s objective was to improve the relationship between the leaders of the healthcare system and the doctors. Through this involvement with a local establishment, the Foundation wished to closely support the development of the particularly complex environment of a local healthcare system. Its involvement consisted of targeting actions leading to the improvement of the daily operation of the establishment by using co-gestion principles. Improving human resource processes and the patients’ positioning were at the heart of the actions put into place for this community program. 

The de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation had established a program in several phases which involved coaching activities, co-development between medical and administrative management directors, consolidating the welcome and integration of the doctors in the CSSS, an introduction to the co-gestion model, as well as workshops for doctors in positions of leadership. The global objective consisted of mobilizing the care teams through the implementation of the various phases of a brand-new co-gestion model. 

This partnership provided the public establishment with the Foundation’s well-established expertise in management and the help of experts from the professional and academic fields. 

Unfortunately, the pilot project never came to term; everything had to be stopped when CSSS’s became CISSS’s. The structure of the project was based on a CSSS principle and the change would mean restarting the entire process from the beginning. 

With its renowned expertise in the business and entrepreneurial fields, the de Gaspé Beaubien family contributes to supporting initiatives that favor sustainable social development. By keeping their values at heart and encouraging entrepreneurial philanthropy, they contribute to the longevity of the projects they get involved with. 

AquaHacking: the winners of Winnipeg and Atlantic Canada’s Challenges revealed

By smartbugmedia,

At the end of the annual AquaHacking Challenge, the participants, organizers, mentors, and everyone involved in this initiative can finally say mission accomplished! The Covid-19 pandemic affected the initial planning of the pivotal events of the 3 competitions; the semi-finals and finals had to be carried out virtually in order to respect preventive hygiene and social distancing measures. The de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation is proud of the resilience and flexibility displayed by participants and organizers alike. 

“An important year is coming to an end, and in spite of the pandemic all of the 2020 AquaHacking Challenges were able to be carried out virtually. I want to congratulate the AquaForum team as well as our partners for making the challenges possible even during this crisis.” – Dominique Monchamp, Senior Advisor, Fondation de Gaspe Beaubien.

Two Finals Disputed Virtually 

The two last finals of the AquaHacking Challenges took place last September and October. The five teams from Lake Winnipeg and Atlantic Canada, made up of students and young professionals, presented their innovative technological solutions to a panel of five judges with expertise in business, technology, and water science. 

Over the past year, the finalists developed technological solutions to help tackle critical freshwater issues, namely microplastics, the management of water and land in agriculture, clean drinking water in remote locations, and investments into watersheds. 

“In spite of the pandemic, I have been impressed to see that 15 new solutions relative to issues with water in Canada have been developed. It is thanks to the dedication, determination, and expertise of each of its participants that the de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation realizes the impact of its support in the development of solutions through its mentoring. Congratulations to all of the finalists!” – NAN-B, President, Fondation de Gaspe Beaubien. 

The Winners of the Atlantic AquaHacking Challenge

On September 18th, the finalists’ rankings for the Atlantic Canada AquaHacking Challenge were announced following the virtual final which was broadcasted on the IISD’s Facebook page. 


The 5 finalists are:

  • 1st Place: Clean Catch Baits wins the grand prize of 20 000$ in seed funding with their innovative solution to tackle issues relating to microplastics in fishing. 
  • 2nd Place: Well Warriors wins 15 000$ with their online platform created to make the evaluation of the quality of well water more accessible and less expensive. 
  • 3rd Place: WIDE wins 10 000$ in funding for their innovative water treatment system which aims to provide clean drinking water to rural and indigenous communities in a sustainable and accessible way while respecting their culture. 
  • 4th Place: ExTech MIP wins 2 500$ for the development of a new technology to simplify the sampling of organic contaminants in well water using a low-cost device. 
  • 5th Place: What the Well also wins 2 500$ for their solution relating to the issue of private well security. 

The Winners of the Lake Winnipeg AquaHacking Challenge

On October 20th the virtual final of the Lake Winnipeg AquaHacking Challenge was live broadcasted on the IISD’s Facebook page

We would like to congratulate the 5 finalists:

  • 1st Place: Particuleye Technologies wins the grand prize of 20 000$ in seed funding with their innovative project which contributes to the classification and quantification of microplastics.
  • 2nd Place: LasIr Nutrient Technology wins 15 000$ with their solution which provides more precision to fertilization techniques.
  • 3rd Place: Typha wins 10 000$ for the development of Eco responsible packaging made from cattails in order to contribute to the fight against single-use plastic and eutrophication. 
  • 4th Place: Water Secure wins 2 500$ for their innovative water testing solution. 
  • 5th Place: Abbatek also wins 2 500$ for the development of an algorithm which helps to fight against microplastic pollution. 

With the year 2021 fast approaching, the de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation will continue to support AquaForum in their phenomenal involvement in the preparation of the next competition destinations which will be announced very soon. The circumstances are continuously changing, and we will continue to adapt our initiative’s activities to the uncertainty created by Covid-19. 

Watch the Lake Winnipeg and Atlantic Canada finals again now!

A Heartbreaking Interruption for the Club of Intrapreneurs

By smartbugmedia,

In March 2020, the sudden of the COVID-19 pandemic turned everyone’s lives upside down. Quebec, along with the rest of the world, put everything on hold, in an attempt to flatten the curve of the virus, and therefore lessen its impact. For Mr. and Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien, that meant pushing “pause” on a lifelong dream.

After five years of investing themselves into a cause they valued above all others, they made the heartbreaking decision to put a temporary halt to the activities of the “Club of Intrapreneurs”.  

Full of emotion, Mr. and Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien shared the story of how this entrepreneurial initiative came to be, and some of the lessons they’ve learned along the way on this adventure of a lifetime.

A Family Story

It was during one of their customary walks around their property that Mr. and Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien started talking about legacy. They asked themselves, and each other, what they wanted to leave behind, both for their families and for future generations of people they’d never meet. They knew they wanted to make a lasting difference in their society. This desire first led them to create the Business Families Foundation (BFF) over twenty years ago.  

Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien dreamed of helping all young people access an education, regardless of means. She wanted every person coming of age to have the chance to become contributing members of society. Years earlier, Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien had told her husband about meeting a friend when she was at university. This friend had the opportunity to attend their mutual school because of just such a foundation Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien’s grandfather had created years earlier. Her friend’s story had a big impact on Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien. It really brought home to her the importance of making a difference.

As for Mr. de Gaspé Beaubien, he’d known that he wanted to start his own business since he was a boy. After all of his years of experience, he’s no stranger to the difficulties of entrepreneurship in Quebec. There’s no doubt that he’s seen it all. What he wanted to do more than anything was to help not only the other young aspiring entrepreneurs in their family get their businesses off the ground, but those who were not part of the Gaspé Beaubien family as well. He wanted them all to be able to benefit from what he had learned as he built his business.

It was from these two dreams that the idea of ​​setting up the Club of Intrapreneurs (CI) was born.

The Club of Intrapreneurs (CI) Project is born

The primary objective of the Club of Intrapreneurs (CI) was to help members of future generations of the Gaspé Beaubien family, as well as all other interested persons, to establish themselves in the long term as a business, foundation or even philanthropy in Quebec.

 Mr. and Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien traveled around the world. They were searching for an interesting and intelligent model by evaluating programs already up and running, established within families abroad. They were looking for both guidance and inspiration.

They found what they were looking for after 5 years of research, when they met the Mulliez Family in France. Mr. and Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien were very inspired by the concept of governance put in place within their families. It’s one that allows the entrepreneurial spirit to be easily passed along to its members

Development of the Club of Intrapreneurs (CI) Initiative

When Nan-b started working with the young participants in the AquaHacking initiative, she was amazed by the great ability they had for finding solutions to water issues. What they didn’t have, she realized, was the ability to run a business well. These young people needed knowledge, and help.

 “Canada is great in education, theory and research, but we are terrible at putting these lessons into practice and making them successful businesses. “- Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien

 Noting that in Quebec and Ontario, only 10% of start-up businesses survive, Mr. and Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien then asked themselves how they could help these entrepreneurs.

After much observation and thought, they called a family meeting, with all the children and grandchildren. They asked everyone, “When do you think you will be ready to apply for a loan and support to launch your business? This financial loan will be accompanied by a system that will support young entrepreneurs with mentoring and coaching. “

Their response was unanimous: not before 5 to 10 years. Together, they concluded that it would be interesting to expand the framework of their family to include people who are not family members, but who share the same values ​​and who could be potential partners. This idea would be a great way to test the support system and uncover its strengths and weaknesses.

With the help of their valued collaborators, Jean-François and Caroline, they interviewed more than a hundred potential candidates. Only two candidates were selected to participate in Phase 1 of CI.

The chosen Intrapreneurs had to meet the following two conditions in order to obtain support from the foundation:

  1. Form an advisory committee that will hold monthly meetings for encouragement and with the goal of surpassing themselves.
  2. Get training and attend coaching sessions with the goal of building a network of other experts and professionals.

The Club of learning, headed by Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien, developed to help meet the second condition. She participated in their meetings, held every 4 to 6 weeks.

The key to the success of the Club of Intrapreneurs was the establishment of this continuous support system alongside the efforts of the Intrapreneurs. Their openness to mentoring and coaching was also a determining factor. This partnership with the family allowed them to feel supported and guided.

The Temporary Interruption of the Club of Intrapreneurs (CI)

 Unfortunately, the COVID-19 crisis caused the majority of entrepreneurs to lose their customers. Investments also plummeted. The Club of Intrapreneurs was forced to collaborate with other families in order to survive, since it required so much capital to operate.

What will happen to the world after the virus? No one knows, but it seems certain that the world of entrepreneurship will never be the same. In this period of uncertainty, the Gaspé Beaubien foundation had to make the painful decision to halt the Club of Intrapreneurs. After all of the blood, sweat, and tears they had invested in this project, it was a heartbreaking choice to have to make.

The founders are used to solving problems. For them, every problem has a solution. But the reality is that with COVID-19, the only solution is the vaccine. It’s basically impossible to run such an innovative program without being able to be physically present and actively working with the collaborators. The only solution to protect family members from potential contamination was therefore to put the initiative of the Club of Intrapreneurs on hold.

“A page is turned, but the chapter is not finished. Once a vaccine is available, we will be ready to act. “- Mrs. de Gaspé de Beaubien. 

For Mr. and Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien, this is not the end of the Club of Intrapreneurs. It’s only a setback, and an interruption of Phase 2. They have every intention of picking up where they left off once it’s safe to do so.

Lessons learned

Despite this difficult period, the founders of the initiative and their team have grown from their memorable 5-year adventure. The lessons learned are worth more than the time and money that have been lost in recent weeks. Among these is one lesson in particular, namely, the importance of making an effort to earn financial aid and support. The principles of work and perseverance will remain at the heart of the initiatives of the Gaspé Beaubien foundation and will be passed onto future generations.

 “We could never regret this experience. More than ever, we are convinced that this formula of the Club of Intrapreneurs is the key to solving the problems faced by young entrepreneurs today. “- Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien.

The second lesson articulated by Mr. and Mrs. de Gaspé is to initiate young people interested in entrepreneurship very early on. It is essential to prepare them at a very young age, even before they decide to start their own businesses, in order to give them every chance to succeed.

From now on, Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien aims to share all the knowledge accumulated within the framework of the Club of Intrapreneurs to the entrepreneurs of the AquaHacking project. In addition, this experience will serve as a potential pilot for the youngest members of the family.

Hope for the Future

For the past 5 years, Mr. and Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien have worked tirelessly to promote their values ​​and the project across Quebec. Their goal was to expand the reach of this support system nationwide.

For them, it is high time to start forming an entrepreneurial culture that will last. The club was the best solution to the entrepreneurship problems of Quebec and Canada. After spending 50 years helping families around the world, they are convinced that this is the best system currently in place to help people realize their entrepreneurial dreams.

“What I want to say to people is: Never give up. There is always hope, there is always a way to succeed. As long as you believe in yourself and are ready to work, you will succeed. This is what we did with Expo 67. We proved to ourselves that we were able to do something in Quebec and it was one of the biggest exhibitions in the world. It was done here, with our people.” – Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien.

 Mr. de Gaspé Beaubien wants to see other families, the government and other institutions join this system to make it last. Through its determination and passion, the Gaspé Beaubien foundation was there to start the initiative of the Club of Intrapreneurs, but it can’t keep it going alone. All in all, this experience has helped pave the way for the future of entrepreneurship in Quebec.

 “There is always a future. Always. As long as you are healthy, you can succeed and persevere with your ideas. For the moment, this is a setback. Afterward, though, we’ll keep going forward. “- Mrs. de Gaspé de Beaubien.

A successful merger and a promising future for the Family Entreprise Foundation

By smartbugmedia,
Nancy et Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien

Business families are at the heart of the Canadian economy, generating 48.9% of private sector GDP and accounting for 63.1% of all domestic private companies. They have always faced common challenges that directly impacted not only their leadership role in our communities, but also their generational sustainability.

Supported by several partners, the de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation created the Business Families Foundation (BFF) in Canada more than 30 years ago. Its goal was to help, support and encourage business families all over the world. the de Gaspé Beaubien family is thrilled and proud to see their initiative carry on, thanks to a strategic merger between the BFF and the Family Enterprise Foundation.

The Family Enterprise Foundation (FFE) is the product of this union. It comes into the world at a pivotal time, when the global economy is still recovering from the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic. More than ever, family businesses need to seize every opportunity to contribute to the economic recovery, and to benefit from all the support and resources such a foundation can offer.

Business Families Foundation (BFF): A legacy rich in learning

Having a heart for helping Quebec and Canadian entrepreneurs along with their desire to sustain their family business for future generations led Mr. and Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien to develop the Business Families Foundation over 30 years ago. Ever since then, they have developed a unique concept based on many years of involvement, both in terms of research and the development of support and mentoring resources with family businesses.

These types of resources were scarce when they began this work, with only legal and financial writings and services available to family businesses. They wanted to do more, not only for their own children, but for other families as well. They wanted to be able to pass along not only legal and financial information, but also other resources crucial to creating a successful family business, such as dealing with the importance of family dynamics, the notion of ownership and a philosophy of support between family members.

Their experience in setting up a large family media business encouraged them to join other entrepreneurial families. Thus, their support has not only helped these “learning families” and made them more self-reliant but has also contributed to an economic boom.

“We are very pleased and greatly reassured by the continuity of our family entrepreneurship support project. After investing more than 30 years of our lives in the Business Families Foundation, knowing that this project will continue over time is music to our ears. We wish the FFE a long life.” – Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien.

Mr. and Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien will now serve as honorary members of the Board of Directors of the Family Enterprise Foundation (FFE), while continuing to serve as Presidents of the de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation. They devote their time and energy to philanthropy through their Family Foundation.

Imparting their wisdom and knowledge and serving others remain their passions and are at the heart of everything they do.

About the FEF (Family Enterprise Foundation)

As the unified voice of family businesses in Canada, the Family Enterprise Foundation (FEF) is a charitable organization focused on providing educational and other resources for the research and sustainability of these family businesses. It promotes the success and longevity of Canadian family businesses on a national scale.

As a representative of Canadian family businesses, the FEF develops tailored training and specialized educational tools, some of which also train and certify family business advisors.


The successful merger of the Family Enterprise Foundation heralds a bright future for entrepreneurial families and their businesses. The mission of supporting, assisting and encouraging business families will ensure their sustainability and harmony for generations to come.

Mr. and Mrs. de Gaspé Beaubien are convinced that it is through the support of organizations such as the BFF and the FFE that research can be conducted to better understand the challenges faced by family businesses in Canada and the opportunities available to them. Mr and Mrs de Gaspé Beaubien will continue to put all their heart and passion for family entrepreneurship into the FFE, alongside their dear partners and valued collaborators.